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Empowering business and political information for growth and protection of our business, communities, and families. OBBM Network is the voice of local DFW businesses in podcast and TV, including effective and affordable advertisement that supports and grows business. Profitable local business, free America!
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2A Constitutional Discussion with Wallace Dunn, Fmr President of the Texas Handgun Association

Guys and dolls, it's no secret our country is under attack from without and within - is there a Constitutional solution? And if so, how should we be approaching this? Tune in for insight you need to navigate these challenging times!

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In today's Social Topics post, UnWoke Investing & Constitutional Liberty

Jonathan Broadbent with UnWoke Investing joins me to help connect the dots between ESG, your school board, smart cities, the uniparty, and what YOU can do about it before its too late. They're moving quickly, folks, be informed so you can push back. Excellent conversation, please share it!

Article 1 Freedoms Under the Constitution: Featuring Jeff Calhoun

Meet Jeff Calhoun, Regional Coordinator of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee Tactical Civics instruction. You're going to LOVE this conversation as we reveal critical understandings directly out of Article 1 that will encourage you to take the next steps in the journey to American recovery. Can we do it? Well ... that's up to the YOU in the 'We The People' anti-globalist defense of the Constitution. Share this with your friends!

What if Advancements our Government is Taking Are UnConstitutional?
18 Hr Tactical Civics Marathon on NOW

Looks like the Tactical Civics(TM) 18 hour Marathon is having trouble multi-streaming, but it's SUPER important information and for now it's available here:

Your government is NOT for you, it's past time to fire them.
At the ready, enjoy the encouragement!

@jlorennorris delivers a powerful message at Ziglar this morning, you need to hear it:)

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